Congratulations! - Lakeland Class of 2019
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Congratulations! -  Lakeland Class of 2019
Congratulations! -  Lakeland Class of 2019
Almost There - Lakeland Graduation 2019
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Almost There - Lakeland Graduation 2019
Almost There - Lakeland Graduation 2019
Getting Ready - Lakeland Graduation 2019
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Getting Ready - Lakeland Graduation 2019
Getting Ready - Lakeland Graduation 2019
Lakeland Graduation - Class of 2019
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Lakeland Graduation - Class of 2019
Lakeland Graduation - Class of 2019
Lakeland Graduation - Class of 2019
Lakeland Graduation - Class of 2019
Class of 2019 Graduation Breakfast.
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Class of 2019 Graduation Breakfast.
The Girls' Track Team was honored Tuesday night for a great season by the Lakeland Board of Education.
over 5 years ago, George Lutz
Girls' Track Team - honored by BOE
Strawberry shortcake presentation in Foods class & "Foods = Family"
over 5 years ago, Dave Niedosik
foods class
foods class
Lakeland Co-Ed Coders and Girls Who Code - Recognition at the June 18th BOE Meeting
over 5 years ago, Matt Certo
Lakeland Co-Ed Coders and Girls Who Code - Recognition at the June 18th BOE Meeting
Congratulations to Eric Borris who became the Chess Champion in Mr. White's A Day Block 4 English class! Eric won a new chess set. Congrats again Eric!
over 5 years ago, Eric White
Eric Borris
Congrats to Jeffrey Catt who became the Chess Champion in Mr. White's A Day Block 1 English class! Jeffrey won a new chess set. Excellent job!
over 5 years ago, Eric White
Jeffrey Catt
Congrats to Alix Dresdner who became the Chess Champion in Mr. White's B Day Block 4 English class! Alix won a new chess set. Awesome work!
over 5 years ago, Eric White
Alix Dresdner
Final spring sport highlights going up on The Ledger - check them out at!
over 5 years ago, Ms. Spoelstra
Girls Track
Boys Track
Congratulations to Chris Mac, Anthony Tanner & Nick Crespo for representing ‘THE LANCER NATION’ in the Paul Robeson football All Star football game last night. WE WON!
over 5 years ago, Thomas McCormack
Congrats to Adrian Sudol for becoming the Chess Champion of Mr. White's B Day Block 2 English class! Adrian won a new chess set. Excellent work Adrian!
over 5 years ago, Eric White
Adrian Sudol
Congratulations Danny Siegel!! WINNER I am Sport Awards for!!!!
over 5 years ago, Patricia Kebrdle
Danny accepting his award!!!
HUGE. AND I MEAN HUGE Congratulations to Danny Siegel for winning the NJ Sports “I am Sports Award.” Danny won for excelling in two sports and his volunteer work. What an incredible honor for an incredible young man.
over 5 years ago, Michael Novak
What a day to be a Lancer. Coffee House, Film Festival, NJ Sports Awards, Senior Scholarship Night!!!
over 5 years ago, Michael Novak
Excited for the return of the Lakeland Film Festival tonight in the Lecture Hall! #lancerfilmmakers #yourcommunityschool
over 5 years ago, Jonathan Lauder
Lakeland Film Festival
Congratulations to winner Matthew Rosenblatt and runner-up Niall Hennessy in Laklealnd’s second annual ping-pong tournament.
over 5 years ago, Michael Novak
Great job by students and staff at the Lakeland Coffee House! It’s awesome to have so many people share their talents for all to enjoy!
over 5 years ago, Brenda Ferguson