Counselor Confidentiality Statement
Information students share with the Counselor is confidential. The student's right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics, and school rules. All meetings held with the Counselor will remain confidential unless the student or parent gives permission to share information with related parties. As Professional School Counselors, we respect the rights of confidentiality of personal information disclosed during the course of conversation between ourselves and students, except in the following cases:
If the student presents danger to him or herself.
If the student presents danger to others.
If the student has been abused by others, and/or if required to do so by court order.
If the student gives permission for the information to be shared.
As mandated reporters, we are bound by Federal and State law to break confidentiality in the situations mentioned above and will do so to protect our students and to remain legally and ethically true to our profession. The Professional School Counselor may consult with other school professionals but will only share information necessary to achieving the goals of the consultation.