In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975 c 231 this is to advise thatthe Lakeland Regional HS Board of Education will hold a VIRTUAL Public Boardmeeting on TUESDAY, September 22, 2020, beginning at 7:00 PM. Formal action willbe taken. The Board agenda will be posted on the district website a few days prior tothe meeting.
7:00 PM Work Session
7:30 PM Regular Session
The meeting will take place VIRTUALLY and the public may join by telephoneTo join the meeting please dial by telephone:
Dial: (US) +1 585-491-9383
Meeting ID (PIN): 392670739
Public comments will be accepted via email. Members of the public who wish toparticipate in the public comment portion of the meeting should submit comments viaemail to up to and including the Public Commentsportions of the meeting on September 22, 2020. Comments/questions will be readaloud & addressed individually enforcing the 3-minute maximum as allowed by BoardPolicy. Formal action will be taken.